First of all, if you have ever been told you cannot find "the one" on a dating site then erase that thought from your memory...COMPLETELY. Many may already know but to some it is still a surprise that we met on America's #1 dating site "". Josh had an actual membership while I was using the 7-day free trial offer. We met and both seemed to be interested in one another and so we began talking on Match. We made plans to meet up numerous times, but something always came up and I HONESTLY thought I was being "catfished" at one point! Haha, of course after a week had passed and my free trial ended, I decided that Match was not for me and deactivated my account. A few weeks later April 8, 2019, while I was at work, I received a Facebook message from a "Joshua Wright" and it read "Hey, good morning I made a rookie mistake by forgetting my Match info and ended up giving in. Then I finally got logged back in yesterday and saw you weren’t on there anymore. I hope you don't mind that I found you again. " My heart completely MELTED. I did not know much about this man but what I did know is that he was THE ONE. From there we picked up where we left off and began messaging every day on Fakebook’s Messenger app, then I eventually gave him my phone number a few months later. On May 17, 2019, we went on our first date to Zia Park Casino and had a fantastic time (he called me his good luck charm) and on June 10, 2019, we decided to make it official and began dating. That was definitely one of the best decisions I have made in my life. Now, here we are four years down the road sharing our love with one another and our two beautiful children. We are so blessed with the love & support of our family and friends, and we cannot wait to become one in front of you all on September 30, 2023. Thank you for reading!! #LoveAtFirstWright