Maid of Honor
My name is Katelyn Popick, I am the Maid of Honor, and Kara and I met in 2007 (14 years ago) in Middle School, and we have been best friends since!
Best Man
Hello, my name is Lee! Aaron and I have been best friends since we met over 15 years ago, we have been there for each other throughout the highs and lows of teenage years and early adulthood.
Hi! My name is Caroline and I am a Bridesmaid. My friendship with Kara began 10 years ago during our freshman year of high school, where we initially bonded over our love for makeup and talking about boys. We have shared so many unforgettable memories together since then; from being the crazy blonde girls at the party, to studying for hours on end. We’ve been through it all together, and I wouldn’t have wanted to experience it with anyone else. She has always been my better half, and somehow manages to keep me in check when needed. I am honored to be a part of this special moment and more importantly, to be sharing it with my best friend.
I’ve never not known Kara. My name is George Helbig and I am the bride’s brother and she has been there for me my entire life. She is also the one who introduced me to Aaron who I have had the privilege of getting to know and I am very excited to welcome him into our family.
Hi there! My name is Taylor Miller and I am a Bridesmaid in Kara and Aaron’s wedding. I met Kara in 2017 at Florida State University and she has been one of my best friends ever since.
My name is Tony, I'm a Groomsman. I'm Kara's closest cousin and a good friend of Aaron!
Hi, my name is Liuba and I am a Bridesmaid. I met Kara in 2018 at her previous work place and she’s been my bestie since then!
Head Usher / Groomsman
I met Aaron at a youth camp in the Lakes that we both went to every summer. We bonded over a shared love of Goalkeeping and Guinness, and since then we’ve remained close friends enjoying nights out in London, Lancaster and even the mighty Whitehaven.
Hi my name is Stephanie Gonzalez and I am one of Kara’s bridesmaids. I met Kara 12 years ago. For 9 of those 12 years I’ve been blessed to be apart of her family as her cousin in-law.
Hi my name is Jorge Gonzalez. Kara Marie's first big brother second sounding board and her person to look at across the room when things at family occasions are going crazy ( which is common) Of course I have known Kara Marie since she was born but my fondest memory is of Kara eating spaghetti at disalvos pizza with sauce all over her face when someone came up and said how cute she was and me being a big and protective teenager quickly made it known that she was my cousin and she was off limits. Kara I will always love you like a sister!
Flower Girl
How do you know Uncle Aaron, sweetie? I know Uncle Aaron, Mum. Is he Mummy's family or Daddy's?: Mummy's. He is Mummy's brother: Oh... Where does he live?: In America with lots of crocodiles! 🐊
Flower Girl
Summer Gonzalez, age 5: “Kara really hangs out with me a lot and she’s my best buddy. I love her. All of the business that she bes with me.”
Ring Bearer
Jace Gonzalez, “ring guy” “Kara’s nice, great, & polite.”