We met at Molly's family owned restaurant and didn't think much of our relationship until Kyle heard her voice. She grew up in Invercargill, New Zealand, and had a New Zealand accent. Kyle grew up in southern Georgia and had not met very many people from out of the country, and instantly had an interest in her. Not actually having any intentions of dating each other, we both went on with our lives for another year and a half, until one brisk October in 2018 Molly decided to reach out to Kyle. She asked if Kyle wanted her to visit him for his birthday in December, and although he didn't know what to think, they both agreed. Molly visited Kyle on his 19th birthday, and that started a relationship neither could have imagined. Praise God, all actions by both were pure during this time, but on December 12th, 2018, 2 days after Kyle's birthday, they made the decision that we wanted to start dating. We dated for 4 months and then got married "legally" by the state of Florida in Orange County. Instantly in love, and a sureness about each other, we started to long distance date, and marriage, until New Years 2019 when we decided we would finally make the move in with each-other. To this day, we moved from Virginia to Florida, from Florida to Portland, Oregon, where we both got Baptized into disciples. Since being baptized into Christ, our marriage has evolved and transformed into a beautiful and joyful marriage we could have never imagined having previously. Kyle has never proposed to Molly up to this point, though. On December 31st, 2021, Kyle made the bold decision to "officially" propose to Molly in front of over 100 members of the Portland International Christian Church, and less than a year later, on December 12th, 2022, we plan on officially having a wedding that we never had the chance to have. We would like to thank most importantly God, but also these amazing individuals who have made our marriage and our lives possible, and who have helped us along every way; Molly's family - Mrs. Jan, Mrs. Lek, P'White and of course her mother Sam Kyle's family - Wesley, Ashley, Emily, Tyler and of course his mother Mandy As well as the PICC, SICC and the entire PACKNW and PACK. We would like to thank Preston and Shauna Inkley for believing in us and our marriage, and pushing us to heights spiritually, and physically, we never thought we could reach.