It was a warm sunny day in April when we both happened to be going to Billy's parents' house for a crawfish boil to rid ourselves of the COVID lockdown fatigue and for Kaitlyn to meet a close family friend on a blind date. However, the second our eyes met that day, our lives changed forever. Quickly, from that day forward, the talking began, and we were soon in love and falling more in love every day. On May 1, 2020, after we spent some time at Kaitlyn's mom's house, we "officially" became a couple. We continued to grow together as we got to know each other more, and our love only grew stronger as time went on. From movie dates in the pasture to family beach trips, our love grew during a pandemic. Six months later, we made the best decision of our lives, to get engaged on top of Mountain Yonah. We have decided to get married and officially begin our lives together on February 27, 2021. Please join and celebrate this awesome occasion with us!