September 9, 2022
Kyoto, Japan

Justin & Noriko



If you have any other questions other than what we’ve listed here, feel free to call or text Justin at 415-866-8509

Will Japan allow me to enter the country in September?


Currently Japan is still restricting the number of tourists that can enter the country. We believe it is likely those restrictions will be lifted by September, however in the case that they are not it is still possible for both family and non-family guests to obtain a visa for the purpose of attending a wedding. We are currently recommending all our guests apply for a Visitor Visa, no later than the first week of August to be safe. We've created a document that details how apply for the Visa depending on which consolate you are closest to: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J4f3sCnSkdGi-m8sybqTMdVEU1RTkKk3b2RSAWWcINE/


When should I plan to arrive in Japan?


We recommend that guests arrive at least 2-3 days before the wedding day in order to have time to adjust your sleep schedule. If you plan to do additional traveling (which you should!) we recommend you do so after the wedding as the weather will be cooler later in September.


Will there be any other planned activities before or after the wedding I should know about?


Yes! We are in the process of putting together an optional itinerary for the days following the wedding for those that wish to join us! Some possible destinations we are considering are: an onsen (Japanese hot spring), temples and shrines, Sake brewery, Kimono wearing and of course lots of good Japanese food!


What is the dress attire for the wedding?


Anything from 'Dressy Casual' to 'Cocktail Attire' is acceptable. Wedding theme colors are green and dusty pink. Dress comfortably as Kyoto will be warm in September and most of the temple complex is outside though the Ceremony will be inside. The reception will be inside and be air conditioned.


Should I where a Kimono to the wedding?


You don't have to. Typically only family members wear kimonos during the wedding. If you would like to experience wearing a kimono, we are looking to arrange a day after the wedding that we can dress up and sightsee around Kyoto!


Where is the gift registry?


If you are traveling from outside Japan then please no gifts! We recognize that traveling to Kyoto is a very large (and expensive) commitment and your presence is truly a gift enough!

For all the days along the way
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