
Julie & Karl

    Wedding Party
Watercolor BrushstrokeWatercolor Brushstroke

Wedding Party

Shannon Lagan

Matron of Honor

Julie's closest-in-age sister! These two have many shared life experiences: Living in Zimbabwe, singing in a band together, swimming, and lots of laughter! They also shared a penchant for mischief; although, according to Shannon, Julie had a knack for getting off scot-free and framing Shan for the damage!

Rachel Kubichek

Matron of Honor

Julie's dear college friend and international travel buddy! A regular Lucy and Ethel, these two friends have experienced countless travel, dating, and life fiascos together. For example, Panama. (Ask Rachel.)

Lindsey Lagan


Julie's eldest sister! These two have many memories of singing together (and crying because they were trying not to laugh!) at weddings, retirement homes, church events, etc. According to Lindsey, Julie often had to come to the rescue in these situations, bailing them both out with a tune on the guitar.

Rachelle Everswick


Rachelle is Julie's baby sister. Julie adopted Rach early in life as her sidekick and little shadow. Many a home video of Rachelle (Rachie) was filmed by Julie as she egged her sister on to repeat cute baby performances. It is only fitting that this duo get married within a matter of weeks of each other this year!

Kristin Lozzi


Julie's dear friend and former roommate! Don't let the quiet demeanor fool you. Kristin is the the active mind who, once she gets talking, will have you rolling with laughter! At least, this has been Julie's experience.

Rachel Porcelli


Julie's dear friend and OTHER former roommate! Rachel is thoughtful, kind, and an avid reader. She and Julie have read and discussed many great books together! They also both love ice cream. :)

Kristine Zeiset


Julie's dear friend and current roommate! Ever the adventurous mover, Kristine is always up for a hike, bike ride, or soccer game. Kristine recently took on the critical task of making sure Julie eats a home-cooked meal every night between now and wedding day!

Duane Schulte

Best Dad

Karl has known Duane since 1982, which happens to be the year he was born. :) Duane and Karl share a love of hiking, exercising, coffee, the Kansas City Chiefs/Jayhawks/Royals. They also share a lot of DNA!

Joshua Wilson

Best Man

Karl and Josh have been friends since the cradle, when their moms opened a kindergarten together. From Little League to Quest, they've seen each other through it all. Ask Josh about some of their home videos!

Kurt Schulte


Kurt and Karl (brothers) did everything together. Soccer, tennis, Little League baseball, mercilessly pestering their sister, getting in trouble together... They were and are true partners in crime!

Tom Speel


Long time-roommates (as well as co-workers!), Karl and Tom went to church together, shopped for groceries together, watched movies together, found sweet deals together, etc. And somehow, they never did get sick of each other!

Rich Scott


Karl and Rich have been friends since high school They share a love of tennis, music, and Star Wars. Rich is also an avid Marco Polo (video message) user. Allegedly, Karl gets 2-3 Marco Polos a day from him!

Tim Pica


Tim is Karl's adventure buddy. He is always up for a hike, a game, or a movie. He is also, according to Karl, "one of the funniest people I know." Tim loves to laugh and make other people laugh in return.

Craig Cobbs


Craig is a close co-worker and role model of Karl's. He is down to earth, funny, and likes to "Keep it real!" He and Karl enjoy many good laughs over at Dun & Bradstreet!


Flower Girl


Flower Girl


Flower Girl


Ring Bearer


Ring Bearer


Ring Bearer


Ring Bearer


Ring Bearer


Ring Bearer


Ring Bearer


Ring Bearer

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