Charles and I first started talking on October 31st, Halloween! How exciting, right? I thought he was a handsome gentleman from the moment we first met, and he wanted to marry me in that same moment. He knew God had brought us together. I laughed and told him God still needed to tell me. Even as I write this I laugh. We talked about needing to hear God clearly, loudly, maybe even needing to be hit by a 2x4 to get the message. Well, just before Christmas, Landon and I were hit with Covid. Charles nursed us back to health and kept my mom from being exposed. Okay, maybe it wasn't a 2x4, but God showed me Charles' true heart in those endless nights. While we have been together for just a short time, we both believe God's hand is with us this whole time guiding our hearts and families together. We are so excited to start our journey together.