Julianna & Peyton were first introduced by their close friends, Braden Mallory and Sophie Newcomb. Peyton had been begging his best motorcycle buddy for quite awhile to be set up with a "hot homeschool chick" Coincidentally, Braden mentioned this to Sophie for the 100th time, Julianna was asking Sophie to lunch. Sophie quickly pulled out her phone to show Julianna pictures of this so called Peyton. They set up a blind double date for the four of them. After hitting it off, Julianna and Peyton became inseparable. Only nine days passed until Peyton asked Julianna to become his girlfriend. Their relationship took off as they learned more about the other, it became so clear God had handmade them for each other. Their lives to this point had been so closely intertwined, it seemed like some sort of miracle that they hadn't met till now, but they couldn't have met at a better time.