Julia and Angelo first met at their kindergarten open house. At just four years old, they found themselves playing house together in a cozy playpen, unaware of the incredible journey that lay ahead. Though Angelo might not have realized it then, destiny had already started to weave its magic, binding their lives in a way only soulmates experience. Their paths intertwined again in second grade, in the classrooms of Miss Campbell and Miss Darcey. It was here, amidst childhood laughter and learning, that the seeds of shared affection began to sprout. A memorable episode from this time was when Angelo discovered Julia had been gifted an Easy Bake Oven. Eager for brownies, he asked if he could visit her house after school. Julia agreed, and Angelo rode his bicycle to her home, just a street away. Though they found themselves without baking materials, Julia's offer to play with her Barbie dolls led to a brief but memorable playtime. As time moved on, their lives took different directions. After fourth grade, Julia left Frank Kim Elementary for St. Francis, leading to a decade without contact. However, in the summer of 2010, a simple Facebook friend request from Angelo rekindled their connection. Fast forward to 2014, both found themselves on dating apps and, as if guided by unseen forces, matched with each other. Their 'not-a-date' at Settebello was a delightful walk down memory lane, filled with nostalgia. Despite this reconnection, life's complexities meant that their story was not yet ready to blossom. They both embarked on separate paths, however, as the summer of 2020 ended, a spark that had never quite died was re-ignited by an Instagram message from Julia. This led to an evening at her apartment where she baked Angelo carrot cake cupcakes – a sweet homage to the brownies that never were in their childhood. From then on, their dedication to each other knew no bounds. Julia, working as a night shift ER nurse, sacrificed countless hours of sleep to be with Angelo, and he, in turn, would stay up late into the night to spend time with her, despite his early morning commitments. A pivotal moment in their journey occurred on October 24th, 2020, at the Late Night Trailhead. There, under the stars and with a solitary mountain biker as their unintended witness, Julia and Angelo chose to become official. This decision led them to explore the world together, each adventure reinforcing their belief that they were each other's destined soulmate. On April 2nd, 2023, they celebrated their first night in their newly built home. This was no ordinary evening. Julia presented Angelo with a special Icelandic liquor toast and a meaningful gift – a survey benchmark symbolizing the establishment of their shared home. Overwhelmed with emotion and love, Angelo proposed to Julia, and she responded with a joyful ‘yes!' As we celebrate our union, we are reminded that love's journey is unpredictable yet beautiful. Thank you for being a part of our special day. Your presence not only honors our love but also enriches it. We love you all!