Matron of Honor
Hi, I’m Kristen– Lauren’s coolest older sister. As kids, being the youngest of the “Bezier Girls”, Lauren was subjected to taking on the least desirable roles in our make-believe play (not so great for Laur, but very convenient for us older sisters). Thankfully, as we got into adolescence, we established a more equitable relationship & were involved in many of the same activities & friend circles. From sleepovers with 1am “taste tests” to makeovers & dancing to Brittany Spears to stealing shampoo at States I get to have someone who I can recount these cherished memories with for the rest of my life. As the years pass, I continue to be amazed at the woman my sister has grown into & all that she has accomplished & I’m honored to stand by her side when she says, “I do” to her “stunner-muffin”
Best Man
I took a class at FAU, in which Juan happened to also attend. His cousin Jota introduced us at a local gym, but we didn’t have anything in common. May 2011, I started my career, and guess who happens to be working there? Juan. He mentored me for the summer. He firsthand showed me the important details of the job. He would come in early to “borrow” a coworker's chair, until this coworker would later arrive and repossess it, daily. He noticed I brought pieces of fruit with me. He decided I owed him a piece, every day, for imparting his knowledge on me. If there’s one good thing about 2020, it’s that we got to work from home, and end this fruit tax that lasted 9 years. But what he has taught me, both at work and at life, is invaluable to me, and no amount of mangos can show my appreciation.
Hi I'm Megan (the one with all the kids), As Lauren‘s eldest sister, I have obviously known her my entire life. Though I have always loved her, I must admit that, as young siblings are apt to do, I didn’t always appreciate my littlest sister & her tag-along ways. As we advanced into our teen years, however, it was hard to overlook Lauren‘s winning l characteristics: her effervescent spirit, conscientious idealism, moral resolve, & faithful devotion. Though she is four years my junior, I have always admired Lauren, & it’s evident how she captivated her “Don Juan.” I pray that she takes these inspiring gifts to build a lasting, devoted, & holy marriage. We are so very blessed to have Lauren in our lives & our family, & we cannot wait for that family to be expanded by her marriage to Juan.
Hello, I am Arjun, I met Juan about six years ago through work, where he was my mentor and trained me. Shortly after Juan found out I was a fellow bro lifter he invited me to CrossFit. At CrossFit we created a family bond that could never be broken. Juan’s all gas and no break attitude helped make me better. Juan’s honor, discipline, attitude, and heart (mostly his bro mentality) have inspired me to be the best version of myself. Congratulations to Papa Juan and Mamacita Lauren. I wish you nothing but success and happiness!
I have the greatest privilege of calling Lauren my sister-in-law. Our relationship started with her suggesting a first date idea to her brother, Greg. “A trampoline park? On the first date?” We went bowling instead... that should shed light on the difference in our personalities. For that difference, I am so grateful. She brings out the best in me & everyone around her. She is a shining light, a go-getter, a fire cracker, full of faith & the most loving person I know. Lauren is everything wonderful. She makes you want to be those things too. She may only be my sister through marriage but she has always been a true sister to me since we met (Holy Cow + Shark Attack 4ever). Here’s to Lauren & Juan! I am so honored to stand by your side! Marriage tip #1: don’t steal all the blankets...
Juan is my cousin that turned into my big brother. He is the reason I moved to south Florida after he showed me the time of my life one summer a long time ago. At the time Juan was the manager at 'Jamba Juice' and while he would make his coworkers do his laundry in the back of the store, he would also feed us protein loaded mango-go-gos to bulk up, give us some money from his tip jar, and take us jet skiing every weekend. Thanks to Juan's ID I was able to enjoy the bar scene before I turned 21. He has taught me many things and has been there for me ever since I moved here. I appreciate Juan very much and I admire so many things about him....Except his soccer skills. Juan will be a great husband and I am looking forward to witness and be part of his life next to Lauren.
Hi I'm Kate, Lauren's sister in law, The first time I met Lauren was on a FaceTime call when I was newly dating her baby brother. I’ll never forget how sweet and fun she was and I hadn’t even met her in person yet! Fast forward a little bit—we met in person and I quickly found that she is so much fun to be around! We even competed together in Patriot Games (a local CrossFit competition) and it is one of my favorite memories to date. The amount she has helped me in my Faith, health, happiness, and beauty (okaaaay Monat!) is endless, and she’s the best friend / sister-in-law / competition partner a girl could ask for! Lauren, I’m so excited to stand by you as you say yes on your special day. You deserve the best, and I know he is the Juan for you.
My name is Aaron Mueller, AKA “OG - Original Gringo”, AKA “Creamy Saucy”, AKA “The Boston Baker” AKA "Flama blanca". That is the short list, & you can guess who those came from. A long time ago I was just a nice white folk from the heartland of America & one day I decided to pack my things & move to Florida. A week later I met this young cat named Juan Pablo, hustling in the streets of Belcan. At first, I was a bit confused by his mumbled speech, high water pants & a shirt so tight I was afraid I might lose an eye to one of the buttons. But then I noticed his potential & decided to introduce him the the ways of ANSYS. He quickly exceeded my abilities & has since educated future generations of young bucks. Juan Pablo & I have had a lot of good times & he has always treated me like family.
Hi I'm Kerry, Having met sometime after the summer of 1988, our adolescent summers were filled with sandy beach days, trips uptown, putting on plays & the usual shenanigans that 2 cousins, 3 years apart, would get into. Once adults, we made the execution decision to be housemates. As one might imagine, the shenanigans continued, most of our stories Can be summed up with “ it seemed like a good idea at the time“. Our 5 year housemate journey included 2 homes, 1 baby (mine), a murph-dog, countless late night chats and endless memories. Cousins by chance, best friends by choice .
Hello I’m Royce. Once upon a time, I lived with Juan Pablo for 2 whole years, & survived. Some of you may also know him by one of his many alter egos: DJPSB (Don Juan Pablo Suarez Baron) Big Daddy Super Douchey The guy is the literal definition of 100 to zero. It’s all or nothing, every day, every moment. He’s either ultra pumped hip thrusting the air or sulking because it’s cleaning day & he’s mad at me for not scrubbing the same spot 50 times. With his heart on his sleeve & biceps made of gold, Juan is as honorable as they come. He will always tell you what is right & true-even if you don’t like it. I cannot be happier for my friend & father who in his life of passions has managed to find his best commitment of all: Lauren! P.S. Goodluck Lauren I will pray for you everyday
Hi I'm Molly, Lauren & I go back to 1996 when we first met on the pool deck at our high school, Seneca Valley. It was only shortly after that we were sharing almost every day together, either at swim practice or sleepovers on weekends. Throughout the years, I have had the privilege of meeting her large and wonderful family. Many of my most cherished memories are those that I have shared with Lauren including our annual summer beach trips to Long Island, NY. I am so happy that she met someone who appreciates her as much as I do! She is the greatest friend who deserves only the best in the world. Her constant positivity & love of life is contagious. Laur has the ability to make every one she meets feel special, & I am truly honored to be able to stand next to her on her Wedding Day. XOXO
Hey there, I’m Kenneth the white cousin. Hmm… how to describe Juan? One word: indescribable, but I’ll try. Juan is always the life of the party, always good for some awkward comments , some ill timed hip thrusts, and intense laughter. That is unless he has already fallen asleep. Juan has the mind of a 13 year old, mixed with a 65 year old, all housed within the body of a Greek god. You won’t find someone more dedicated to his family…CrossFit. Welcome to the family Lauren, Juan could not have found a more perfect match. CONGRATULATIONS!!
Hey I'm Becky G, I had a habit of not going to the gym. After an exceptionally long hiatus I came back, & met a new coach. She had mermaid hair & sparkly eyes. I even thought her name was Crystal because all I remembered about her was her sparkle. From that day forward she became my coach. My fitness coach, my nutrition coach. My “live your best life” coach. Sure, she may have started out as a coach, but she evolved into my 5am bodybuilding swolemate(BB!) & ended up my best friend(day dates for life)! I treasure our friendship. There’s something special when you can communicate with someone by using 1 emoji & know exactly what the other is feeling. Lauren, you’re a gem, but you’re my pearl & I love you so much(I’m not crying, you’re crying)! May God bless yours & Juan’s life forever more.
Hi I'm B, It all started with two blondes and a chiropractic office… Well, sort of. Admittedly, I wasn’t sure about Lauren at first. But this was only because she was a beautiful, bubbly blonde that worked at the gym I went to, which was also the gym where my husband worked. She was just too good looking and happy. I didn’t think I could trust her...
...I got a job at a local chiro office and low and behold, Lauren worked there too. It was here that we established that we were waaaaaay more similar than different! We spent Tuesday nights together in the office. Shenanigans ensued. The whisper laugh was born (because we would get in trouble for belly laughing when clients were there). Dark chocolate, coffee, and detox shakes. All the things we both loved. I truly think the icing on the cake was Thai food. One day Lauren and I had a friend date at a Thai restaurant. Thai food, a bottle of wine and laughing. For hours. I had never felt that free to be myself with someone that wasn’t family (because my fam is CRAZY) or my husband. It was so wonderful. I don’t even remember everything we talked about, but ...
Hello I’m Andres (AKA big daddy) Escobar. I met Juan back in 2008 when I moved in with some of his cousins. Four years later in 2012 I had the pleasure of having Juan as a roomate when I moved into his house. Juan and I got along extremely well due to our common clean-freakness and OCD we share. I will forever be thankful to Juan for always going the extra mile for my family and I, he has always made me feel part of his family. So Lauren you’re definitely taking a man with a big heart and an endless love for cleaning... you’re definitely blessed. Love you bro! I am super happy you found your half orange 😂
Bridesmaid was one of the best dates I’d ever had. We were sisters, no SEAsters. MERMAID SEASTERS. And no one else gets it but that’s ok because best friends make up silly nicknames for one another and keep those nicknames and all of the shenanigans going, long after they moved hundreds of miles apart. Lauren is so amazing. She is one of the nicest most generous people I know. A true coach and encourager. Someone who works five different jobs so that she can do the things that she truly believes in and loves. I am so happy to be a part of Lauren’s super special day and I hope that I can help make it extra amazing for her because she totally deserves it! Love you Lauren!