Use the link for convenient online booking! If you prefer to call the hotel directly, make sure to mention our group code, HOEF, to receive the discounted rate. The last day you can book your room, to receive the group discount of $129 plus tax, is April 12th, 2024! Hotel phone number: 540.722.8881 Directions From I-81 North: Take Exit 313, turn right on Route 522 (Jubal Early Drive), turn left on South Pleasant Valley Road, turn right Wingate Drive. From I-81 South: Take Exit 313B, turn right on Route 522 (Jubal Early Drive), turn left on South Pleasant Valley Road, turn right Wingate Drive.
Discount Code - HOEF
May 4, 2024 3:00 pm - 10:30 pm
Sit back, relax & let our shuttle driver bring you to and from our venue! First shuttle departs for venue at 3:00PM Second Shuttle departs for venue at 3:15PM Return shuttles: 9:00PM, 10:15PM and 10:25PM