November 15, 2024
Taylors, SC

Micki & Joshua


Micki Eubanks


Joshua Ziadie




November 15

50 days50 d3 hours3 h34 minutes34 min25 seconds25 s

The Prequel

Spring 2020

Joshua's version: She sent me to the wrong park to go for a hike, 6 miles later and a few hours later... In reality: Yes, Micki accidentally agreed to meet at one trail when thinking it was another one up the road. But for a social-distancing Saturday, the park was relatively busy and Ruger was with her so totally fine to hike with new people! After 6 miles plus a few hours chatting and giving the pups countless belly rubs, a new friendship was formed between Josh & Micki. Over the summer came a cadence of meeting at local trails during the week, shooting the Hooch on weekends, and the occasional game dinner night around the fire. What started as a friendship grew roots that only God knew to water.

The Beginnings

Fall 2020

Joshua's version: Left her hanging by a thread after a night of bourbon and bonfire, 2 weeks later I said lets do this. In reality: Hunting season was near so the times to hike or hang out became few and far between. But they say absence makes the heart grow fonder or something like that. The occasional moments Josh & Micki did see each allowed space for God to weave feelings into their growing friendship. And yes, Josh did ghost Micki for 2 weeks (Opening & Halloween hunting weekends for those who know the Ziadie hunting calendar). When he was back in town, he had hunting plans with Hannah. Micki already had plans to take Ruger on a trail and offered to take Bandit. Later that evening after dinner around the fire pit, Josh asked Micki to be his girlfriend. Depending on who you ask, their first date was during the week at a brewery or the following weekend hiking in TN.

The Mushy Things

March 2023

Joshua's version: I planned a hike at one of our favorite spots in Atlanta along the Chattahoochee trail. I secretly had scoped out the proposal spots with a Plan A, B and C location along with recruiting a friend to be a hidden photographer. As we made our way along the trail, we took a break by the overlook deck to take in the views above the river and do our usual photoshoot with the pups. I asked Micki to get the pups ready for pictures, while unbeknownst to her, I was making sure the photographer was in place, getting out the engagement ring, and waiting on one knee. She was caught up in pictures of the pups, unaware of this all occurring until I yelled "Hey!" She turned around to seeing the most beautiful Teal Sapphire ring in Josh's hand. Micki instantly gasped in shock with a slight squeak of excitement as she wrapped her arms around my neck. After what seems like forever, Micki said "Hey, you never asked?!" to which I replied "Cause you didn't let me." I then asked "Will you marry me?" to which Micki says "Yes!" And well the rest is history... for now. In reality: Josh's version is accurate enough! They love that trail and looking back, it was the perfect spot as the pups were seated on the overlook bench the exact same order as their first picture together. May sound small, but shows God was & is working in the details of their path.

The Recent Happenings

Spring 2024

Joshua's version: I got a new job and we moved to Greenville, South Carolina in April 2023. We recently purchased a new home just outside of Greenville and are getting settled in the new home and life. The pups are loving their new yard. We're so excited to celebrate this next chapter in our lives with you! In reality: Josh and Micki can't seem to only celebrate one thing at a time. Early 2023 was the engagement & moving. And now through God's blessings in 2024, they closed on a beautiful home, trained the pups to use a doggy door, and cannot wait to share their new hometown with friends & family come November (or sooner if you want to visit)!

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