Just up the street from the hotel and venue, Detroit's very own art gallery! Get lost in the halls that include paintings from van Gogh, Rembrandt, Picasso, and of course Diego Riveras four wall frescoes!
Perfect little time killer for a Saturday morning! Wander through the many sheds of the market, cross the bridge over Gratiot Ave and check out the Gratiot Meat Market, get a nice espresso or cappuccino from Germack Roasters
Check out the heart of Detroit! From the looks of it the wedding is one week short of the famous Christmas tree lighting, but regardless it is still a wonderful little area!
A Detroit staple - get a coney and fries from one spot, and then walk next door and try the other! Some cities have sports rivals like the Cubs vs Sox, or Yankees and Mets, Detroit has its coney rival of American vs. Lafayette. (Josh is team American, duh)