You could say it started with a conversation about fracking in a hotel room in Hartford, CT in 2015. Gabbi and Joe were attending a conference for greek life leadership which is completely expected for Gabbi and totally uncharacteristic for Joe. They were introduced by a mutual friend, Alex, and spent the weekend getting to know each other, but neither felt like they were in the market for anything serious. Fast forward a few weeks later, Joe invited Gabbi to coffee and 4 hours later they were still chatting in Brown & Brew. Joe thought the conversation was lovely and felt like he had gained a brand new friend and continued inviting Gabbi to coffee... As friends. By the 4th coffee, Gabbi finally cornered Joe in front of the campus center and stated so are you going to kiss me or what. Needless to say, there had been a slight miscommunication about Gabbi's relationship status and Joe had no idea she was even on the market. The kiss sealed the deal and the two never looked back. 7 years, 4 cities, 1 dog, and countless memories later they could not be more excited to share this special weekend with you all!