Maid of Honor
Womb to tomb. Birth to earth. Squirrels for life. There never was a better sister. <3
Best Man
Together on the journey of never ending ascension. World record holder for fastest time to get to "dimensions" in conversation.
We met in college slinging pancakes at Le Peep. I would not have survived that job or college without this girl.
My go-to for real talk, advice & support. He exemplifies the results of hard work, focus and dedication. Takes me fishing way too early in the morning.
A friendship made after deciding to look at our hair under a microscope in freshman science class. We’ve been soul mates ever since.
A true role model in life, parenting & marriage. Unknowingly responsible for influencing many of my life choices.
My first fiance. We were engaged on Facebook for 10 years. Spenser was the first and only man to come between us. And yes, that's her real name.
A best friend in a crucial time of my life. Someone get this man a bass sax!