St. Louis is pretty small and easy to navigate. We recommend looking at flights on Southwest Airlines.
Please use this link to book the room. If you need 2 nights instead of three you can edit that in the booking link. https://be.synxis.com/?Hotel=32283&Chain=25795&arrive=2024-04-05&depart=2024-04-08&adult=1&child=0&group=BERNARD This is where we will be hanging out the night before the big day. It's about a 10 minute drive to the venue from here as well. We recommend booking here for comfort and convenience and don't forget to use our discount code (comes with free parking)! You can pick a color room when booking (red, yellow, green or blue) based on availability and they have bunk bed rooms available for kids or whoever wants them as well! Enjoy the restaurant downstairs, The Commonwealth or the many delicious options nearby as well as the art gallery and the rooftop bar.
Discount Code - BERNARD