JOHHNA D! Is what I quickly learned the town of Flora calls her. I am sadly limited to a character count and there's simply not enough space to talk about how much she means to me. But to narrow it down is by the way she loves me and those around her. When I started dating Johnna D I quickly realized how fast word gets around in the metropolis of Flora, MS. I had people I never said a word to come up and begin questioning me of how I met Johnna and about me (scary right?). But it didn't take long for people to figure out why they were, she loves Jesus first and foremost and she loves people. She may not enjoy the spotlight at all (which we can be complete opposites on) but she always shines the light of Jesus everywhere she goes. She has challenged me to become a better Christian and draw closer to God regardless of any situation. She is quick to help those in need, even if it would cause us to leave our comfort zone (mine especially). Johnna enjoys basketball as much as I do (we were both all team benchwarmers in high school no big deal) and loves her French bulldog Charlie (you know where I stand when he is brought up) and Ted Lasso. I am beyond ecstatic to marry Johnna and see how God will work in our lives together! - Will
A lot of people call him Will, but I call him William. I love this guy more than words can say. If you know Will then you know he is always wearing that smile of his. One of my favorite qualities about William is how kind he is. Whenever we go out to eat, go see a movie, or where ever, he NEVER meets a stranger. He is the ultimate friend. He so graciously shows the love of Christ, and is always willing to listen or be there for others. Will enjoys MSU sports, chasing trains, Orangetheory, Avenger movies, and going on ice cream dates! One of mine and Will's favorite shows is Ted Lasso (highly recommend watching) and one of my favorite quotes from the show is -"Be curious. Not judgemental." And Will does exactly that. I could name a million reasons why I want to marry him. I am just so excited to be his wife, get to know more about him, and see God work through our marriage! - Johnna
Maid of Honor
Little Sister. What can I say, she's been by my side for a long time now! If you know Alisha she is funny, loud, smart, and kind. I know everyone says that their sister is their best friend, but there is a bond Alisha and I have that I can't explain. Alisha is truly one of the greatest gifts I have here on Earth. She is forever my favorite coffee date and work out partner. She keeps me young and reminds me that I am old all at the same time. I'll forever be thankful she's my sister and best friend. * Fun Fact I think Alisha is the only person that knows how to make me laugh all at the same time while I am can be annoying sometimes! - You'll never know how much I love you! Johnna!
Best Man
My Not So Little Brother This one has literally been with me through it all. But obviously the story starts when he showed up in the world. "I've waited so long for you to get here" is apparently what my parents tell me I said when I got to meet him in the hospital. We have gotten quite close over the past few years, especially when I was off at MSU and we were and still are inseparable. We share a mutual love for the outdoors and all things related to them, MSU football, video games, Marvel, Star Wars and cartoons. He's been with me through the good, bad and ugly and I knew that he'd be my best man on my wedding. - Will
Where do I even begin? We all have that one friend that we face time everyday right? or is it just us? Well Bailey is my face time everyday friend! She's the friend that has been there through it all! We have laughed and cried and everything in between. We are also both very hard headed, so you can only imagine how some of our conversations go about who is "right"! Y'all just pray for our husbands, because we are basically trouble together in dirt cheap! She also made me an aunt and it's my favorite title! Her son's name is Kamp, but I call him Kampers. So much love for you, Bailey! - Johnna
Where do I start with this friendship? It began almost a decade ago at the Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Museum at the local model railroad display (which anyone should definitely check out). Jordan and I share a deep passion for all things American railroads. From chasing down "real-life" trains to film, to building and operating 1:87 scale models, and all things in between. We've traveled across 4 states including MS in search of anything railroad related. This would range from rural rail lines in the MS delta to the Union Pacific 4014 "Big Boy" chase we made from New Orleans to Baton Rouge. This has been the subject for the multiple incidents that have occurred on our many travels, which we will talk about for years to come. One of the signature quotes from the many trips is "hold on, I saw this move on COPS!" I stood with him at his wedding, now he gets to be a part of ours. So glad you get to be a part of our special day Jordan! - Will
My best fiend since 7th grade. NO seriously! And my first friend to make me an aunt! All of my memories include Caroline! We were inseparable growing up! We rode to softball and basketball games together, spent the night together almost every night including school nights, family beach trips together, and even managed to talk our parents into a joint birthday party! We still to this day laugh about all of our awkward phases we went through together. She's that friend that through it all she's remained loyal! I only pray one day her daughter Lennon can find a friendship like ours, because our memories will last a life time together! - love you Johnna
J-Bar my man! Jacob and I met during our time at Mississippi State studying for civil engineering degrees. We stayed in touch while he was on a co-op and he reached out to me looking for potential and, to make a long story short, we became roommates for a little while before I graduated. He is also the culprit for how I got hooked on going to Orangetheory fitness during our time in Stark-Vegas. We went to as many baseball and softball (trust me, they're a lot of fun "check the sleeve!") games that we could cram into our crazy class schedules. Jacob might be working all over the country now but I'm glad this former Yankee has become a true southerner at heart. Glad you're apart of our special day! - Will
Funny story! I graduated with Morgan's brother and him and I were friends, but Morgan basically became a sister to me too! Do you ever have that friend that instantly becomes family? Because that's the only way I know how to describe us. Mine and Morgan's family spend just about every holiday together and have formed some of the best traditions. Morgan is the friend I can call and has my back no matter what. She is fiercely smart, funny, loves a glass of wine, and can plan a whole trip to Disney in one day. She's also making me an aunt in December! I can't wait to spoil baby Greyson! - love you mean it! Johnna
My guy! Adam and I have indirectly known each other longer than we directly have lol. Adam has an aunt and uncle that live down the road from my grandparents (what are the odds!) Anyway, like Jacob and Jackson, we met through classes at MSU. In fact, our families made sure that we tried to meet each other on our first day of class back in the fall of 2018 in our surveying class. We quickly became friends and it's always good to have friends that know your family (lol most of the time). We stayed in touch from working on homework and studying for tests, to eventually becoming roommates for my final senior year (victory lap). We quickly enjoyed kicking it on weekends in the Junction and chilling at Dudy Noble. Glad you're getting to sneak out of Nashville to be with us on our special day. Much love! - Will
College Bestie! I'm gonna try and make this short and simple, but it probably won't happen because I could go on and on about LA. LA and I can talk for HOURS! She's the voice of reason, the best hype girl, and crazy thoughtful. I wish everyone could have an LA in their life. We became friends at Holmes Community College and our friendship only grew after college. She's that friend we pick up right where we left off each time, and hate saying bye when leaving. *FUN FACT: LA and Dave's wedding is where Will and I met! - love you so much, Johnna!
Well, what can I say here besides a GIANT thank you! Davis and I became friends while at Holmes (I didn't know Johnna then, crazy how God works!) and we have remained close since. We definitely got closer once Johnna and I began dating and obviously throughout engagement and beyond. But Davis has been an awesome friend, he brought the "Party Pals" to my mom's kindergarten community helpers' day and was a roaring success. After that, we reconnected at his and Laura Ann's wedding. And I will never forget the phone call not long after Johnna and I began dating, he screamed as loud as he could "I CALLED IT!!!!!" Davis was the one who pushed Johnna to give me a chance (don't get her started on playing "hard to get") and it obviously was a good call. Thank you Davis for calling this back then and I am excited that you get to be a part of our special day! - Will
High School Bestie! Rachel Vinson, who will always be Rachel Cole to me! If you know Rachel, then you immediately know her heart. She loves the Lord, is an insanely good cook, and is one of the best friends a girl could ask for! Rachel and I were high school best friends, and then we got to live together in college. Rachel has always been more like a sister to me. Rachel and her family are pure gold. *Pretty sure Will and Reid (Rachel's husband) can out talk Rachel and I when they are together! - love you sweet friend, Johnna!
Well man this is a quick turnaround here. As of the writing of this description, you are not too far from getting married yourself and I get to stand by your side on your special day. It makes sense for you to be there by my side. From late nights and all-night study and homework study sessions in Walker Hall (RIP), and the endless HEC-RAS assignments for Open Channels we've been through a lot (of engineering paper). We also share a love for all things Star Wars and Marvel, which we talk endlessly about. I am thrilled to get be a part of your day and thrilled you get to be a part of mine! - Will
Callie, she's one of a kind. I swear the room changes immediately when she walks in. Her light for Jesus is like no other. Callie and I met at FCA Camp as huddle leaders (2016?), and ever since then I have had the privilege to call her friend. She is a true gem. Callie and I are a lot alike, expect Callie doesn't mind long drives and I swear she never runs out of energy! Every time we hangout we never get enough sleep and conversation topics are endless. We have always lived far apart expect for when we were in college and it was the best time of our lives! *Fun fact! Callie was my first friend to meet Will when we were "talking"! - love you more, Johnna!
Cam my man! It has been a hot minute since we've seen each other physically but we have made up for not hanging out by hopping on Call of Duty multiplayer and having our snapchat streak. Cameron and I were neighbors for quite a long time, almost a decade! We used to play outside until dark, and mainly until our full names were called so we could go in for supper. From soccer, baseball, video games and all else in-between we were and still remain the best of friends. Excited that we get to catchup for this special day. Glad you get to be a part of it man! - Will
Ellen. My queen. My college bestie. My intern buddy. And then all of the above. Ellen is not only funny, honest, and out going, but she so compassionate and understanding. Ellen and I met at Mississippi College our Junior Year, and from there the rest is history. We both are very passionate about Frenchies, Chicken Salad Chick, and the book Just Mercy (if you haven't read it immediately go do so). * Fun Fact Ellen and I have been to jail several times together....but before you assume ask us about our stories! - love you! Johnna!
Lake Neely. My high school long lost friend. We started out as seeing each other in high school every now and then because her husband went to school with me! But after high school we just instantly became friends. We worked together in college, and ever since then we've been by each other's side! Lake is hilarious and can make anyone feel welcomed. We are not good in serious situations with each other and are constantly laughing. Lake is one of the smartest people I know (she has tons of math jokes...) and she's going to do big things! - love youuuu, Johnna or like you call me Janetie Elizabeth
Most of my elementary, junior high, and high school memories involve Cassidy! We have always been complete opposites, but it always made sense! Even though we are opposites we both share a love for coffee, Schitts Creek (TV Show on Hulu a most watch), going to the movies, ice cream, and pineapple on pizza (aka the best topping). Cassidy is crazy talented in singing and insanely creative! I like to claim Cassidy's family as my own. I got the nickname "lasagna" from her family! Long story, but basically Cassidy's mom makes THE BEST lasagna. - love you! Johnna!
I was at MSU for a short time due to being home sick, but it brought me a few good memories and few good friends and Sharli being one of them! Somewhere down the line Sharli and I are cousins! My grandmother insisted that we meet while we were both and MSU, and forever thankful she made that happen! After Sharli and I got close and our friendship grew I knew exactly who Sharli needed to meet from Flora (aka the man she is married to now)! Let's just say Cassidy and I had fun playing match makers! - love ya! Johnna!
My childhood best friend. Kasey and I have grown up together (duh because we are cousins and only 6 months apart). I can't tell you how many times we spent the night together, how many times we went swimming, and how many arguments we got in when we were little. Some of my favorite memories include riding the golf carts till time to go to bed, playing the Wii till midnight, making pallets on the floor, and of course getting in trouble constantly. I blame Kasey for my love for Mexican food, because that's all she wanted when we were little. We have been by each other's side through a lot! - love you so much! Johnna!
Honor Attendant
Charlie is our French Bulldog that is basically our child. He loves to go on rides in Will's truck, afternoon walks, and Sunday naps.
Ring Bearer
The cutie in the middle. Kamp is the son to Baylee and Bailey Jones. This family means so much to us! We love getting to be Aunt Jo and Uncle Weeyum!
Flower Girl
The pretty girl in the middle. First, where has time gone?! She is two and is too cute! Lennon is the daughter to Tanner and Caroline White. Lennon gets her singing and attitude from her momma (I think Tanner would agree). Lennon will always be best dressed in the room because she the best stylist (aka her momma)! We love them all so much!