Q: What’s the address of the ceremony and reception?
A: Both the ceremony and the reception will be held at The Virtue Feed & Grain restaurant in Old Town Alexandria. LIts address is 106 S Union Street Alexandria, VA 22314.
Q: What time should I arrive? Where is the ceremony? Where is the reception?
A: The ceremony is on 2nd floor of the restaurant and will start at 11:30am, so please arrive no later than 11:20am. Drinks will be available starting at 11:00am. The reception will be in the same location as the ceremony.
Q: Where should I sit when I arrive at the ceremony?
A: When you arrive, please look for your party's assigned (i.e. Table 5). A cocktail hour will follow the ceremony.
Q: Is there a vegetarian option?
A: Yes, the quinoa risotto is our vegetarian entree option. There are other non-animal options as well.
Q: Is it open bar?
A: Yes.
Other Q's?, call/text John at 703-732-7037.