Welcome to our wedding website! We cannot wait to celebrate with you, but before our day comes, you can find all you need to know here. Please see our FAQ’s for additional information.
Welcome to our wedding website! We cannot wait to celebrate with you, but before our day comes, you can find all you need to know here. Please see our FAQ’s for additional information.
August 26, 2023
Littleton, CO

Tia & John







August 26, 2023

Littleton, CO

Lucky in Love

For 5 years now, I have heard John answer the question, "How did you two meet?" the same exact way every time. I have gotten used to taking the back seat when this question is asked because he loves answering it. I'm sure many of you reading this have heard him answer with, "We met in the bathroom line!!". And I always butted in with "We didn't actually meet in the bathroom line!" While we didn't in fact MEET in the bathroom line, it is partly true. We wouldn't be here today if both of us weren't standing in that line at the crowded ViewHouse (a downtown Denver Bar/Restaurant) on St. Paddy's day 2018. This is where he got my number after we met and talked for a bit out on the rooftop with a group of friends. He proceeded to text me the next day and asked me on our first date. We went out that Tuesday evening to a sushi restaurant and he won us a free dessert after telling the staff it was his birthday and they let him spin the wheel...and that's where it all began! We moved in together almost exactly 1 year later. Fast forward nearly 4 years later, and John proposed on Valentine's Day 2022 in Cancun, Mexico. It's funny how two holidays that we only mildly celebrated before have become two of our favorite days. We are excited for what the future holds for us and could not have been here without all of you here. We can't wait to get married standing in front of all of our favorite people!

For all the days along the way
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