With Joel relocating here from a studio apartment in LA to help plant a church, and Caitlin relocating from China (via seminary in New England, where she lived in a boarding house)...we're excited to build our home together with these luxuries! Some of the items are BIG ticket items; we'd be thrilled to crowd-fund them. Any amount (from $5 to $50!) would be a big boost. Let us know why the item or experience you selected appealed to you—we would love to hear why. And along those lines: if you see a " floating over an item's title, click on it to read why we were drawn to that item. Since it might be a while until we can invite you into our home (or because you live several oceans away), we thought it might be fun for you to envision how we plan to incorporate these pieces into our home and family life. This has been an exercise in dreaming BIG with God, and we're glad to have you along for the ride. Thank you for investing in our new home life together!