Fairfield Inn & Suites (Brooklyn Center) Guests: Busing is available from hotel to Northern Stacks at 2:25, 2:45, 4:40, & 5:00. Busing to get back to the hotel will begin at 9:30 PM.
Fairfield Inn & Suites (Brooklyn Center) Guests: Busing is available from hotel to Northern Stacks at 2:25, 2:45, 4:40, & 5:00. Busing to get back to the hotel will begin at 9:30 PM.

Haylee & Joseph



Joseph McGrath


Haylee Love

October 13, 2023

Fridley, MN

How & Where We Met

Ikea will forever be special to us and our love for each other will always be sturdier than any assembled Ikea funiture. After finding each other on Bumble in the midst of covid, we had very limited options for places to meet up. Our first date, January 6th 2021, was a long, romantic walk through Ikea, since that was open the latest. Ikea came full circle when Joe proposed to Haylee. While he thought he was being sneaky throughout the week before, Haylee knew the moment he suggested we go to Ikea.

Wait… She has a daughter?

Long story short, Joe did NOT read Haylee’s bio on Bumble and did not realize our beautiful Harper existed. The moment Harper met Joe, Haylee knew he was the one and he’s an amazing parent.

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