4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Summer cocktail attire
The ceremony will be held on the covered patio. No direct sunshine, but also no air-conditioning. Guests are invited to be seated from 3:45. Once the ceremony begins, relax and enjoy it. We will have a professional photographer and ask that guests do not use their cellphones to take photos during the ceremony.
5:00 pm - 9:30 pm
We'll celebrate upstairs at The Tabard Inn with cocktails and entertainment by the Cherry Blossom String Quartet, before gathering for dinner, speeches, and dancing (and maybe an after-party for the late-night crowd!).
8:45 am - 10:30 am
For the last few years, Joanna's father (John Simper) has supplemented an active weekly regime including absolutely no structured exercise with a 5k, as part of the international Parkrun program. This weekend will be his 100th run and we'll be joining him - one of the few times that all the family can do this together. We invite you to join us - there will be fast runners, slow runners, and a walking contingent. You can register ahead of time if you would like your time to be logged (it's free, bit.ly/parkrun100), or you can just show up!