7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Casual Attire
For those of you arriving on Thursday, please join us for hamburgers, hot-dogs and music to kick-off the weekend!
6:00 pm
Cocktail Attire
By Invitation Shuttles departing Old Edwards Inn, 200 Main, and Highlands Inn Lodge begin at 5:45
8:30 pm
Please join us after dinner for drinks and lite bites! Regrets only to (334) 313-2114 Shuttles departing Old Edwards Inn, 200 Main, and Highlands Inn Lodge begin at 8:15
6:00 pm
Black Tie Welcome
Shuttles to the wedding ceremony will begin promptly at 5:15pm. Please refer to the best pick-up point below. Guests may also drive on their own, ample parking is available. Guests of 200 Main/Park on Main or Highlander House - Pickup on Main Street in front of 200 Main. Guests of Old Edwards Inn or Rental Properties - Pick up on Church Street behind Old Edwards Inn, in front of the spa. Guests of Fairview House - shuttle will arrive at Fairview House at 5:30pm. Return transportation will be available all evening. Please find a representative of the wedding planning team should you require an early departure.
6:30 pm
7:00 pm - 11:00 pm