September 22, 2022
Las Vegas, NV

Jessica & Blakely


Blakely Zimmerman


Jessica Tate

September 22, 2022

Las Vegas, NV

Our Story

Blake and Jessica met in college in 2014 at Central Washington University in Ellensburg, Washington. Their first interaction was being paired together for a class project in their shared major, Recreation and Tourism- widely regarded as the most fun and least academically rigorous program. Their assignment was to execute a ‘Cardboard Regatta’ event at the public pool. Many months after, Jessica and Blake ran into each other at a bar. Blake was joking about being homeless and Jessica had a spare room. The next day Blake followed up to see if the room was still available for rent. Friends reading this will remember that the “room” referenced was in fact a 4-foot-tall loft that one had to climb an antique latter to access. These same friends speculated that the two would get together to which Jessica replied, “No way, I don’t like him like that!” One thing led to another, and the pair formed a special connection. Blake and Jessica both left their college town after graduation to pursue their individual career paths. They traveled, grew up, worked hard, and kissed some frogs. After 5 years they reconnected in January of 2020 right before the onset of the covid-19 pandemic. They dated for 2 and a half years before getting engaged on the banks of the Columbia River on the Oregon Coast (this beautiful location also happens to be called 'Dismal Nitch' and is technically a public rest stop) By the numbers: - Blake and Jessica have taken 21 trips in their motorhome - Visited 12 states on their vacations - Taken only 1 international trip together, thanks covid! - Plan to take their honeymoon in 2023 Blake and Jessica will be having an intimate micro-wedding in Las Vegas. They regret that not all of their wonderful friends and family will be in attendance but want everyone to know they will be thinking about them on their special day.

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