5:00 pm
RSVP by APRIL 15, 2022 using the rsvp tab on this website!
3:00 pm
Welcome to our "Unplugged Ceremony!" We ask that you refrain from cell phone/camera use until ceremony has ended. (That's what we are paying the photographers for! lol) It won't last long and want everyone to enjoy every second right along with us! MUCH APPRECIATED! The ceremony is planned to start at 3:00 PM. We will have ushers helping direct guests where to sit. Semi-formal attire. Please no white dresses.
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Happy Hour will begin as soon as the ceremony has ended. Please use this time to grab a drink and mingle. There will be open seating for all guests, however, bride and grooms immediate family will have reserved tables. ****PLEASE READ: Happy Hour and our reception are BYOB. This means BRING YOUR OWN BOOZE! We will provide ice, water, mixers for drinks, and some beer. The rest is up to you!****
5:00 pm
Their first ever introduction as Mr. and Mrs. will happen at 5:00PM! Don't miss it! Dinner will be provided in buffet style promptly following introductions. PLEASE RSVP MEAL CHOICE! And remember, B.Y.O.B.! **Due to set-up of building, dancing portion of the reception will be started after completion of dinner!
7:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Mr. & Mrs. Hendrickson will have their first ever dance as husband and wife after the dinner portion of the reception has concluded. This is tentatively planned to begin at 7:00PM. This is an indoor/outdoor space. It may be cooler in the evening, so you may want to bring a shawl or light jacket.