Best Man
My brother of 33 years. We have gone through MANY ups and downs in life, some together, some because of each other, but I could not ask for a better person to have grown up with as an older brother. I don't have enough fingers on hands to count the arguments we've had, but at the end, I was his Best Man so I guess he has to be mine.
One of the first people I met when I moved to TX. Since the day we met we have always been there for each other. I like to claim that him and his wife would not be together if we were not friends. I could not ask for another family to be in my life then him and his parents who immediately accepted me into the Crowder clan and now we’ve been a part of each other’s family’s for 20 years.
After we met each other, growing up about 6 houses away in the Trails, we found out that we lived in the exact same cities growing up but at different times. I was born in Overland Park, KS and he was born in Omaha, NE. When we moved to Omaha, his family moved to Overland Park, then we all moved to Frisco, TX on the same street.
One of my best friends for the past 19-20 years. Andrew and I have been through so much together over the years, we have lost many friends together, while gaining many also. Many of my best memories growing up included Andrew, his brother Patrick, and Will Graham, who is also up here with us. We may not talk or hang out as much as we could, but he will continue to be one of my closest friends.
Junior Groomsman
When I first met Jr. I was worried that we wouldn't have anything in common. Two and half years later and we've bonded over video games, drawing, and our love of Maria. I am grateful that he approves of me to marry his mother and can't wait to watch him grow up into the fine man he will be one day. - Jeremy
Junior Groomsman
Jaime is a great kid who I am glad to call my step-son one day. He has an amazing drive for school, learning, reading and just becoming a smarter person. When he is not doing homework, he is outside riding his bike or playing at the park and I can't wait to share many memories with him as he grows up. - Jeremy
My baby sister and my biggest supporter. She’s always been like a second mother to my children. Literally! I’ve always worked crazy hours at work and Celeste has always been there when I needed her the most since the day they were born.
Shared role as middle sisters for 29 years and a room for half of that. We’ve had our ups and a LOT of downs but always had each other’s back, for the most part. -Maria
4 years of friendship but seems like a lifetime. Hayle and I met during an embarrassing circumstance. Let’s just say I had an unreliable vehicle that caused a ton of traffic as it suddenly stopped working in-between an intersection. My dad came to the rescue (as always) and pushed my car into the nearest parking lot.. meanwhile, my cousin Jannet and soon to be best friend, Hayle, Picked me up and took me out for a few drinks. The rest was a blur but Hayle stuck around:) -Maria
Kayle and I met 3 years ago at my previous job as an assistant teacher. she became one of my best friends and partner in crime. I miss working with her everyday. Yes, we constantly butt heads but at the end of the day, I'm extremely happy to have her in my life. -Maria
Junior Bridesmaid
She is the most artistic and sweetest little girl I've come to know and i am proud to one day call her my niece. -Maria