5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Let’s kick off the weekend with some friendly competition! The tournament will be in honor of Kelly’s Father who was a Key West fishing fool. We’ve spent hundreds of hours on the water off of Key West so nothing could be more fitting. The plan is for everyone to find their own guides (we can help) and plan a morning of fishing! We are planning to do a half day of morning fishing so we can meet up post tournament for awards. After fishing we will meet at Smokin Tuna Saloon for awards and cocktails! All guests are invited to come for drinks with the couple! Please let us know if you have interest in participating. Can’t wait to kick off the weekend on the water!
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Resort casual.
Conch fritters and cocktails. Please see the 'Things to do and places to eat' tab for restaurant recommendations for prior to the welcome party.
6:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Florida Formal
Think bright Key West colors! The ceremony will be on the beach. Gentleman may wear a suite and ladies long dresses.