October 29, 2022
Frankfort, IL

Colleen & Jeremy


We’re Getting Married


Jeremy Ewing


Colleen Kempton

October 29, 2022

Frankfort, IL

Our Story

December 2019

Jeremy and I met online. We met the weekend after Christmas since Colleen was dog sitting for her friend, Katie. Colleen was not expecting it to go anywhere since he lived an hour away but was willing to meet him since she was up that way. Our first date was to Pinstripes for drinks and bowling. Since the wait for bowling was several hours, we decided to do something else. Colleen dragged him to TJMaxx and we went to a Mexican place for dinner. We met up a few additional times that same weekend. We rang in 2020 together and survived a pandemic together. Jeremy proposed to Colleen the day before Labor Day 2021. We went to a waterfall in Michigan but it was raining. He did try to throw me off with pulling out a ring pop and giving it to me. My niece, AnnaBella had been asking him when he was giving me a ring pop so I loved that he incorporated that into our day. He actually proposed in the car and my mom was with us recording the moment. We celebrated by going to the casino and winning a little money, drinks and dinner with my mom and his parents. It was a great day (despite him not getting down on one knee).

For all the days along the way
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