Our friend, Dina, told us we were going on a date. -- And so we did -- While Jen was visiting her niece, sister, and brother-in-law in New Jersey, Dina texted and called Jen (and then called Jen's mom when she couldn't reach Jen) about 2 hours before Shabbos. She let Jen know that she will be going on a date Saturday night. Dina told Steven that he is going out on a date too. Jen is sweet and fun, Steven has a heart of gold, so what's the downside? -- And then another -- This date was fun too! When Jen returned to her coast, we stayed in communication by texting, talking and video chatting. -- And then Steven flew to Los Angeles to visit -- After a couple weeks of chatting, Steven booked tickets to fly west. We had a wonderful Shabbos, he met some of Jen's friends, helped clean up a broken pyrex full of potatoes and On Sunday, we went to the Getty museum and enjoyed the spectacular 360 degree views of Los Angeles and the Pacific Ocean! (Amusingly, the Getty is just a 4 minute drive on the 405 from where we are getting married!) The bicoastal adventure continued from there - back and forth - east to west - west to east. And it led us here.