The Venue - Directions
Directions to Larsen Family Ranch
3525 Miguelito Cyn Rd, Lompoc, CA 93436
Coordinates 34.58862 N, 120.48700 W
The Larsen Family Ranch is situated approximately 4.8 miles outside of Lompoc, atop the scenic mountains.
From Ocean Avenue turn onto 100 South I Street.
Remain on South I Street as it transitions into Miguelito Road.
Stay on Miguelito Road until you reach the Larsen Family Ranch (4.8 miles).
The turnout and entrance will be on the left side of the road, clearly marked with signs and balloons.
Important Note: If using Google Maps, be aware that it may direct you to Imerys, which is not your destination. Continue on Miguelito Road for roughly 2 more miles past Miguelito Park, and you will start to ascend in elevation.
Cell Reception: You will lose cell reception approximately half a mile heading out of Lompoc. Once at the venue reception will be restored.