In the summer of 2018, Miguel and his family were on their yearly camping trip at Garner State Park, while Jazmin was at basic training and had limited phone use to once every few weeks for 15 minutes. On the Saturday of the trip, Miguel and his family were taking a stroll at the Famous Rio Frio :D "YeeHaww". Miguel and his family were swimming for a few hours when he noticed that he had a missed call and text message from Jazmin. He was not able to call or text back due to the lack of service so he quickly hiked up the "Old Baldy" trail trying to get some sort of service to call her back. When he finally was able to get enough service to make a call to Jazmin she no longer had her phone, and he was unable to get in touch with her. He sat down to enjoy the view while he was up there and started to think "Why the hell did I just hike all the way up here to try and call her?" It was at that moment that he realized he was in love with her and he would marry her one day. Fast forward to April 30th, 2021... Miguel and Jazmin, and close family members were hiking the same "Old Baldy" trail in the early morning, where he kept rushing everyone to move faster because it was about to start pouring. Once everyone was able to catch their breath at the top of the mountain, Miguel got down on one knee and asked Jazmin to marry him. It was in that very same spot that he realized he was in love with her back in 2018.