July 15, 2023
Cheyenne, WY

Hollister-Gunter Wedding

    Wedding Party
Watercolor BrushstrokeWatercolor Brushstroke

Wedding Party

Becky Monger-Blackburn


Becky is a good friend of Lisa's and was very distinctly the first person Lisa thought of when it came time to pick an officiant. Becky and met through their mutual friend Sheryl at a blood drive (naturally). They talked for a while and quickly became friends. Nothing builds a friendship like bonding over life giving measures! Jay and Lisa would like to say, Thank you Becky for being our support, our friend and our officiant. We are so elated to share in this day with you and your loving support.

Erik Nicholas Hollister

Best Man

Erik is Jay's oldest son. He was the first to teach her how to love. The first to light up her life. Erik has grown into such an intelligent, respectful and handsome young man. We proudly welcome him to be Jay's Best Man, even in his absence. Though life and certain people may try to keep us apart at the moment, I know that the love we have between us will bring us back together. We love you so much!

Jessica Sigmon

Maid of Honor

Jessica & Jay met at karaoke and very quickly became friends, once Jess realized Jay's RBF was skin deep lol. Jess has continued to be an AMAZING friend, and loving supporter of the relationship between Jay & Lisa. When Lisa very first messaged Jay, Jay instantly messaged Jess and said...some lady wants to go on a date, to which Jess vehimately replied, "I SWEAR TO GOD JAY YOU BETTER GO!" To this day this is the best advice Jay's recieved! Thanks Jess for accepting our request to stand up with us as we celebrate the beginning of our Adventure!

Dustin Wyatt


Dustin and Jay met at Karaoke and hit it off immediately! From Jay playing wingman for him, to convincing ladies that she was not his girlfriend (lol) They've always had the best of times. Even when they're sitting up until all hours of the night talking about the heaviness of life, they laugh. The first time Dustin met Lisa was his 2022 birthday, They met him at Uncle Charlies and They made sure he had a night he wouldn't remember! He is a stellar guy, he was one of the first people to express how happy he was for Jay and Lisa when we got engaged, which of course he was in attendance of. Dustin has never once failed to step right in and be the one to cheer people up, lend a hand to move, and just over all be a great friend. Jay and Lisa love him dearly and are so grateful that he is willing to stand up with Them. "Dustin, don't go outshining us on our day with your rugged good looks!"

Katheryn Fager


Kat & Jay met through a mutual friend on the Tiktok app and it wasn't long before Jay adopted Kat as her little sister. Kat has stood by Jay through some of the darkest moments, holding on to hope that the light would come for Jay. And when Lisa came into Jay's life, Kat was the first to say that Jay has never smiled so brightly before. Kat is a loving friend, and dearest little sister. We are thankful for you.

Emily Grace Hollister

Flower Girl

Jay's daughter Emily has always been show stoppingly stunning in beauty and grace. She will have to try really hard to not upstage the brides! Having Jay's kiddos be apart of the big day is something Jay and Lisa have dreamt of. Emily, you are such an amazing young lady, so loving and kind. Mommy loves you Gracey-Face! Thank you for being our flower girl sweet pea! We love you!

Jax Tanner Hollister

Ring Bearer

Jax is Jay's youngest blessing, with the biggest personality! He will no doubt add his own flare to his ring-bearing duties. He has always made people smile and laugh, his mischievous grin and witty sense of humor will certainly be welcomed on this special day! Life of the party, littlest love, mommy's sweet boy. Thank you Jax for helping us celebrate. We love you!

Becky Anderson

Maid of Honor

Becky & Lisa have built their friendship over the last decade. What started as a co-worker relationship blossomed into the strongest of bonds once Lisa moved to Cheyenne and they worked together daily. They have seen each other through life's highs and lows. Becky has been the cornerstone of the cheer squad for Lisa's sobriety & one of her strongest alies in her success. When Lisa and Jay met, Lisa immediately said Jay had to meet her best friend. Jay met Becky on day 3 and the jokes haven't stopped! We love you Becky and we are SO Grateful to have you stand up with us as we celebrate our eternal love.

Jessi Majerus


Fourteen years ago Jessi came into Lisa's life. Lisa walked into United Blood Services, thinking she was applying for a job and was asked to give a life saving donation. Lisa walked out with a job and having also given life to a new friendship. Jessi has grown to expect an inundation of questions daily from Lisa, as they still work together...and she expects the greatness she sees in Lisa as well. She has held her hand as she held her to a higher standard of living while supporting her and seeing her through her journey to sobriety. Jessi is an amazing co-worker and confidant. The laughs that Jessi and Lisa share greatly outweigh the tears they catch for each other but they are there for one another through it all. Thank you Jessi for joining us on this day, and for celebrating our joy everyday.

Jolene Leinonen


Jolene scared Lisa to death with her RBF the first time they met at a 'Friends of the NRA' meeting. Then from guns to ghost tours they hit it off and the strongest of bonds was built. Their bond would be forged in the fires of Life's trials, tested and proven indestructible. Jolene was one of the 1st people Lisa came out to and she has shown her unwaivering support ever since. Five years worth of tears and laughter have brought them the gift of each others love and friendship. Thank you Jolene for all the love you've showered upon this relationship.

Lacey Waterman-Durbin

In Loving Memory

Lacey & Jay had been friends since they were in 7th grade together. Lacey was Jay's very first very best friend. They had some of the best memories together! Lacey was Jay's confidant throughout life. There wasn't anything they wouldn't do for each other. When Jay met Lisa, Lacey was the 1st person she wanted to call...she knew Lacey would be SO EXCITED for her. Lacey was such a light in this world, and even though she crossed the veil entirely too soon, Jay couldn't imagine this wedding without Lacey. Though Lacey won't be seen standing, her spot in our hearts is very much alive and we will be honoring her presence just the same. We love and miss you Lacey.

Tracey LaPlatney

In Memory Of

Tracey was one of the kindest souls you could meet. Hard working, loving and a second mother figure in Lisa's life. Lisa has told Jay so many fond stories filled with laughter about her adventures with Tracy. Tears fill her eyes as she misses her dear friend and wishes she could be here to witness this love they share. Tracy always made it known how proud of Lisa she was. We know she would celebrate not only Lisa's sobriety, but her courageous spirit that found true love. We hold Tracy in our hearts and will have a special seat reserved in her honor. Tracy, may the light of the life you left in the love you gave shine down upon us.

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