2020 was a wild ride for everyone, and we're no exception: Jay built a 1960's style drag car from a field find, and Kendra turned her kustom painting side hustle into an actual business. At a car show later in the year—still scarce due to pandemic policies—Jay introduced himself to Kendra (with the help of mutual friends) so he could pitch her on a lettering project. Would she be interested in designing and painting the "gasser"-style graphics for his car, the Wuhan Wonder? Slammed together during the three-month coronavirus lockdown, the car had been named in honor of the city where the whole fiasco started. Kendra, who's always been fond of midcentury design, was captivated by the car's rowdy personality. Naturally she could not wait to paint cartoon bats and big, flashy letters all over it, so she said, "Yes!" and handed Jay one of her brand new business cards. Two years later, at the Wuhan Wonder's racetrack debut, Jay popped another question and Kendra again said, "Yes!" Today the Wuhan Wonder sports almost all the trappings of a true gasser—now if only Jay could get on Kendra's schedule for that paint job!