Dear Friends, While we wish you could all attend our wedding, we sadly need to limit our wedding to just our immediate families. We love you dearly, and you will be with us in spirit. We cannot wait to celebrate with you in the future! Kindly, Jay and Emma
Like all memorable love stories, ours began in the crucible of local politics. We met in the offices of a small consulting firm where we were both thrust into the thick of a special Congressional election. While our early days as coworkers were hallmarked by limited interaction and minimal conversation, the relationship blossomed as we traversed the scenic Pennsylvania Turnpike on the way to fundraisers and functions. Isolated flirtations turned into after work dinners (Jay considered these dates), which turned into weekend activities which ultimately turned into a mutual profession of unqualified love and admiration for one another. That love evolved even further as Jay embarked on his professional studies at Harvard Law School. Not wishing to spend significant time apart, Emma graciously agreed to pack up her life and move to Cambridge, where she has since flourished as a member of MIT's Department of Open Learning. During our time in Massachusetts, we have grown closer by the day, building a bond that will unequivocally last a lifetime (which is in part a function of sharing of a small basement apartment with minimal opportunities to stray far from one another). We've celebrated the highs, forged on through the lows, and have always shown the utmost respect, appreciation, and devotion to one another. After realizing (though he realized this long ago) that a life without Emma is not a worthwhile life at all, Jay asked Emma for her hand in marriage. After the initial surprise, Emma quickly accepted the offer (one legal pun was Jay's allowance), and we thus embarked on the task of planning the most important day of our lives, which we are grateful to be sharing with so many who have touched us along the way. In closing, we would be remiss not to extend a special token of appreciation to our former employer and beloved friend, Nick Bonesso, who permitted our perpetual HR violation to extend in perpetuity.