This hotel includes a breakfast buffet for up to 4 per room. Rooms must be booked by September 1, 2023, for the block rate. The estimated distance from the wedding venue is 17 miles. Room rate from $129 per night. Room block name: Jess & Jarrett
This hotel does not include breakfast in your hotel rate. Rooms must be booked by August 27, 2023, for the block rate. The estimated distance from the wedding venue is 24 miles. Block name: McFarland Coleman Wedding Block. Room rate from $129 per night.
To book this hotel, Individual Call-In reservations can be made by reserving online, go to, then enter the Group number of 10057535. Reservations may also be made by calling 1-800-325-0720 and refer to the Group number of 10057535. Rooms must be booked by August 26, 2023 for the block rate. The estimated distance from the wedding venue is 15 miles. Block name: J&J Wedding 7274626. Room rate from $123 per night.