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Stephanie & Jarod

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Jen Bores

Matron of Honor

Stephanie and Jen have been friends for nearly 15 years and have seen each other through the ups and downs that life inevitably has to offer. Once her "getaway driver," Jen now has the honor of standing beside Steph when she marries the love of her life. Meredith and Cristina forever.

Holly Franklin

Maid of Honor

Friends for nearly 20 years, Holly has always been the friend that pulls no punches and never tells you what you want to hear. Though their origin story is an ironic one, their shared experiences brought them together and neither has ever let go. Though the miles between them may be many, their friendship remains as steady as ever.

Elsa Gorrell


Steph has had the privilege of watching Elsa grow from a precocious 9 year-old to a mature and beautiful 14. Elsa excels in school and in color guard, and enjoys riding bikes, taking the beagles for walks to the pond, and beating us at every board game imaginable. We are so excited to see her change the world.

Nora Gorrell


Ever the jokester and storyteller, Nora keeps everyone around her laughing. At 11 years old, Nora plays the flute, does well in school, and enjoys crocheting, cross-stitching, and playing with her pet parakeets, Sky & Cloud. Nora knows Jeopardy answers that Steph & Jarod don't know and always has a fun fact about animals to share. We cannot wait to see what beauty she brings into this world.

For all the days along the way
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