August 5, 2017
Los Angeles, CA

Jessie & Jared


Jared LeBoff


Jessie Cohan


Los Angeles


August 5


Our Story

We've never really understood this "our story" business on wedding websites. Aren't you all of our closest friends? Shouldn't you be the people who already know things like this about us?

More story

OK, OK already

Well, if you must know, we met through an app called Hinge, which apparently is completely different now, so this is not an endorsement. But on our first date, we discovered that our grandparents live in the same community in Florida and our grandmothers literally play bridge with one another. They immediately began to take credit for making the introduction, and everyone began whispering "bashert!"

Still more story

We began to think this relationship might be something really special once we realized that we could walk to one another's places. Things developed very quickly from there. We soon discovered how complementary we were to each other. For instance, Jessie has a great fashion sense, and Jared is willing to wear whatever she tells him. What more could anyone want...

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