In December 2013, Katie got a call from Immaculata High School to come in for an interview. She didn't remember even applying, but decided to go to the interview anyway. She was offered the job not even an hour after the interview. This is where she met Michael. They both would frequently spend late nights at school and Michael would regularly poke his head into her classroom for "sanity checks". They became fast friends after many vent sessions over teaching. When Katie was told at the end of the school year that her teaching position was being eliminated due to low student enrollment, it seemed like they would never see each other again. A year passed, but then Immaculata was in need of a math teacher once again after someone retired. So Katie returned to the school, and Michael and Katie got closer. They ran the Math League together and lesson planned for their Algebra 2 classes. At the end of May, Katie finally got up the nerve to tell Michael how she felt and was overjoyed to find out that he felt the same way. They had their first date a few weeks later.