September 7, 2024
Baltimore, MD

James & Faizah


We're glad you're here!


Faizah Karim


James Mester

September 7, 2024

Baltimore, MD
15 hours15 h6 minutes6 min11 seconds11 s

Our Origin Story

From friends to foes and then back to friends until.... fiances!

In 1998, Faizah was born in a small (big) town called Chittagong, Bangladesh. Five years later, she found herself in New Milford, Connecticut! Right down the road was James, doing who knows what (probably sleeping or playing Pokemon)! Their paths crossed junior year of high school when Faizah called him "Nick" thinking that was his name! Computer Science class brought them together when their teacher sat them next to each other. Throughout the school year, James and Faizah wouldn't talk about Computer Science at all. They talked about music, life events, and James's lack of cooking skills. Talking became texting, which turned into late night phone calls from states apart when they moved away for college. After 6 long years full of teary phone calls and distant laughs, Faizah made her way to Maryland. Three kids (cats) later, James proposed to Faizah and she said YES! We have lived a life and would love to celebrate our love with our cherished ones :)! #MestUpFaiEver

For all the days along the way
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