the first day of school. it was my (carrie) junior year and his senior year. he was already dating somebody from back home in Illinois and I decided he wasn't "my type" so I couldn't have cared less. as the first semester went on we started talking. he broke up with his girlfriend and asked me out multiple times, but I kept turning him down so he stayed in the friend zone the rest of the school year. June 2020, he left for basic training and we had virtually no contact outside of occasional letters (when base would remember to hand them out and get new ones sent).
he came home from AIT holdover for Christmas break to surprise me and I finally gave in. we started officially dating about an hour later.
exactly a year later we took a trip up to Duluth, MN to the Bentleyville light show. he had big plans to propose at Enger Park, one of our favorite places to go together but we found out the hard way that they were closed. not to mention it was freezing out and I refused to climb the gate and walk all the way up there. I knew something was off as soon as his mood plummeted. we walked around canal Street to kill time before the lights started. eventually we made it to the light show and we had to walk 4 laps around the whole thing before he finally got the courage to pop the question. it was magical and hilarious and perfect