Arrive by 3:30 PM on Saturday 7-20-24
Dress code for the wedding day is formal. Floor length dresses and suits. Wear comfortable shoes for the outdoor ceremony and of course dancing during the reception.
Yes! Please make your special request/food allergy known on your RSVP.
The ceremony and reception are at Indian Head Resort. It's the only hotel we have a room block at. If you have pets or want a more rustic experience, Pemi Cabins has some great options but again, fills up quick. Parker's Motel is right up the street and provides a no-frills option for lodging.
Welcome Party is at a local Brewery. Food and drink will be provided. Bus pick up will begin at 6:45pm at Indian Head to start bringing guests over to Iron Furnace Brewing.
RSVP by June 10th 2024 on our website under the RSVP section.
No, please plan to have a DD or make other arrangements. Lincoln and the surrounding towns have a combined population of 4100 residents within 248 square miles. That's under 17 people per square mile (Boston is 14,000 per sq mile). There are no uber drivers.