July 2, 2021
Houston, Texas

Jade & Nick


Watercolor Highlight

Nick Anderson


Jade Hodge


July 2, 2021

Houston, Texas

Her Story

May 17, 2019

My graduation day! If you know, college was a roller coaster for me, so this day was here and I was excited yet anxious about the future and where I was going. If you know me, you know I have terrible anxiety so of course I was sick all morning. My aunt was in town so I went to her hotel to visit the kids hoping I would be distracted. Time got closer, and I went home to get ready, along with the rest of my family. While doing my hair and makeup, my best-friend calls and tells me she got a flat tire on her way up. Now if anyone knew my struggles during school she did and I needed her to be there. She assured me that she called AAA and would be there as if her life depended on it. Meanwhile, I tasked my mom to iron my dress, next thing I hear it "Oh my gosh". So I walk out into the living room and find my mom with the iron and a hole in my dress. She and my friend ran to the outlets to find something else while my grandma attempts to repair my dress. In the midst of my anxiety I run to my room and cry. Don't ask me why but I felt like it was an addition to the anxiety and worry of the future. Nick comes in and assures me everything is going to be great. I've made it this far and nothing else can ruin it either way he promised to be with me through whatever came. Anyway, mom fixes my dress and you can't even tell there a burnt hole under the pocket. Fast forward it's 6:20pm and I am about to walk across the stage and receive my degree. Feeling a whirlwind of emotions after leaving the stadium I greet the rest of my family and friends and take hundreds of pictures (I mean I'm graduating, hello)! After my final picture the same best-friend who had a flat turned me around, where I found Nick on one knee asking me to marry him.

His Story


It was Jade's Graduation day, and everything to started off pretty bad. Someone burned Jade's graduation dress and her best friend Kayla got a flat tire on the way to graduation. This was not the best start considering Kayla was involved in the proposal, so if she can't make it then my whole plan and proposal is shot. So, I Facetimed her to see if she was good and if she was going to make it , she said she was still going to make it. So we get to the graduation, and everyone is there, my friends and family, her friends and family. If I tell you I wasn't nervous I would be lying. First off that was the fastest graduation I have EVER been too. Everyone just kept asking me are you ready ? Are you ready? lol I'm like man I don't know . So we get outside and everyone knows what is going on but Jade, she is trying to control everything and everyone just looking at me and after a bunch of pictures , finally Kayla took a picture with Jade by herself while I was behind them taking a knee and when she turned around there I was with a ring, she asked was I serious 10 times and after I asked her in a very faint voice I asked and she said YES!!!

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For all the days along the way
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