August 13, 2022
Shelton, Washington

Taylor & Blake

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

The Wedding Website of Taylor Hentges and Blake Jacobson
Meet our family and friends that will be walking us down the aisle.

Taylor Hentges


Blake Jacobson


Mckenzie Collins

Maid of Honor

This girl… It is hard to put into words how important she has been to me for the last 14 years. I met Mckenzie my freshman year of high school during volleyball tryouts and knew almost right away that I wanted to be friends with her. Nothing brings two people together quite like a love for sports, Disney movies, Cherry Garcia ice cream and hours in the car singing at the top of our lungs. Our friendship hasn't wavered over the last decade of living with at least one mountain range in-between us. This has been quite fitting considering that our favorite song is “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell. We even took it one step further and decided on a whim to get matching mountain tattoos. But the real cherry (garcia) on top was that we both married a “Blake James”.

DJ Elmer

Best Man

I first met DJ in band class in 7th grade, Circa 2006. We both played percussion but were often in the back of the classroom talking about everything except snare and bass drums. Later that same year, DJ and I both made the school basketball team. Between sports and mutual friends, DJ and I seemed to be around each other quite a bit growing up and I am truly grateful for that. Anyone who knows DJ will attest, the dude just has some really great energy. In fact, the first time Taylor and DJ met, Taylor was so comfortable around him that they played "hug chicken" and held on to see who would let go first. Not sure who won, but that's not the point as Taylor now loved him as much as I do. Dj is such a great friend and I am happy to have known him the past 16 years.

Shelby Malama


Shelby was destined to be in my life from the very start. It all started in elementary school when Blake and Shelby had class together. They managed to pop in and out in each others lives every couple years throughout school. Blake, Shelby and I all attended WSU where I met Shelby in a Psychology class. I want to say that we hit it off right away but that's just not how it happened. She fell asleep during all of our projects so I really didn't like her (later found out it wasn't her fault at all). I thought that would be the end of our story until I started working at Daily Grind and Stubby's with her. I finally realized that she was the Yin to my Yang, the fun to my responsible and the little devil on my shoulder I always needed.

Conor Smith


Man, I'm surprised this dude's parents still let him hangout with me... Every time Conor has ever gotten into trouble, I always seemed to be involved in some way. Conor is my buddy that I didn't necessarily think I'd have from the start. He and I were around each other a decent amount in middle school while hanging out with mutual friends, but in high school he and I became pretty inseparable. I swear he was there for most of my memorable moments in High School and I appreciate how his calm and collected self balanced out my loud and crazy pretty well. I've always felt like Conor was a bit more of a brother to me, in addition to a best friend. I love this guy and I am so happy to have him in my life.

Kat Hamm


It is safe to say that Kat and I have single-handily consumed a very large majority of the pasta and wine made in the world… Katherine and I met at WSU because Blake and Zach (her now-husband) were roommates. I will be forever grateful to those boys for having a great two bedroom, one bathroom apartment that Kat and I could completely took over. We had endless nights of Yellow Tail and Lini (Tortellini) runs to Dissmore's, mash potato making and so many drunk talks. Who would have guessed that 8 years later we would buy houses 5 minutes away from each other!

Zach Hamm


I first met Zach freshman year of college at WSU, and I can honestly say that his taste in music made me want to be his friend instantly. He lived two doors down in the dorms and I can remember walking by his room the first week and thinking "Wow, I love this song!". Eventually, I started lingering a bit more and before I knew it, Zach, Dillon and I hung out constantly. We continued to be friends and were roommates through my final 3 years in Pullman. Not sure if he would say the same, but he was a great roommate and I never got sick of just hanging out. Fast forward 6ish years, we both married our college girlfriends and now own houses within 5 minutes of each other. Our friendship is one of those you can just pick up where you left off whenever you see each other and I love him for that.

Jordan Jacobson


Oh Jordan… She is one of the kindest and most caring people that you will ever meet. Jordan has always been so supportive Blake and I’s relationship which has meant so much to me over the years. She has also been the best auntie to both of our pups and doesn’t make fun of us for acting like they are real children. Little known fact, Jordan was the first Jacobson to “put a ring on it”. During our infamous trip to Ireland, Jordan and I really wanted to buy Claddagh rings at a local market. We were told that it was bad luck to buy one for yourself, so we bought them for each other. I can finally say that have the sister I have always wanted and needed!

Dillon Emtman


Dillon likes to bring up that my mom thought that he might be a bad influence on me in college, and that couldn't have been further from the truth! Dillon and I had the same friends in high school and were always around each other. Our friendship really started Senior year when we played soccer together and decided that we wanted to be roommates at WSU. I would say that we got along so well because we were both super stubborn, but always ready to have a good time. We had the same taste in music and games, and we were both engineering majors. I owe a large part of me making it through Freshman year of college to this man, he was a great roommate made feel like I wasn't so far from home. I love this guy so much and I am proud to call him my friend.


Flower Pup


Ring Bearer

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