Some things are meant to be. When I first met Valerie I was entranced by her beauty, sense of humor and sweetness. I met Valerie while working at the same farm and garden store. I left the store to pursue a new career. Years would go by until a chance meeting would bring us together. There was an instant sense of reconnection and I remember feeling as though I was living a dream. I finally summoned the courage to ask her out, but as we began dating I became crippled by a fear of failure. Valerie appeared to me as an angel who I simply was not worthy to be with. But as I spent more time with Valerie, I realized that she felt the same way. We became inseparable, soulmates and best friends. Everyday we grew closer together and there was no doubt that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. I thought of the things that I love the most about Valerie. Sometimes the simplest things are those that bring us the most joy, like holding the hand of someone you love. In candle lit words “WILL YOU MARRY ME?” across the floor and the Beatles “I want to hold your hand” playing, I walked Valerie down the stairs while holding her hand. I then summoned all the courage I had, trying not to faint or stammer my words, got down on one knee and asked her “Will you marry me?”. Then she made all my dreams come true.