We are looking forward to having you celebrate this amazing day. Please note we request no Victoria Secret lotion or perfume products be worn on the day of the wedding due to a guest having a severe allergy. Thank you!
We are looking forward to having you celebrate this amazing day. Please note we request no Victoria Secret lotion or perfume products be worn on the day of the wedding due to a guest having a severe allergy. Thank you!
April 23, 2022
Danville, KY

Laura & Jacob

    Wedding Party
Lighted Garland

Wedding Party

Meet the friends and family that will be joining us down the aisle!

Shelby McNeeley

Maid of Honor

Shelby is the brides best friend since childhood. They call each other sisters because they have been inseparable. Shelby has always been by Laura's side through thick and thin, so how could Laura not ask her to stand by her side one last time. Thank you Shelby for being the best friend/sister Laura could ask for.

Corey McKune

Best Man

Corey is the brother of the Bride and soon to be the only brother the groom has had. Corey lights up the room with his smile and personality. He was the ultimate judge on the relationship of Laura and Jacob. If Jacob didn't pass his test, we wouldn't be here today.

Chrystal Johnson


Chrystal is one the brides best friends. Her and Laura met playing basketball from middle school-college. Chrystal has been a major help in planning this amazing day! Thank you Chrystal for all your hard work.

Micheal McKune


Micheal (Mike) is the cousin of the Bride. Jacob and Mike really grew their own bromance from this relationship of Jacob and Laura. Mike has become an awesome friend to the groom from all their hang outs at the Drakes Bar.

Kellie McGrath


Kellie is a close friend and co-worker of the bride. She is the reason these two met! If it wasn't for Kellie, Jacob may have never asked Laura out. Round of applause for Kellie and her match making.

Jeff McGrath


Jeff is the husband of Kellie. Jeff and Jacob's friendship grew through Kellie and Laura's friendship. If you see Kellie and Jeff you probably will see Laura and Jacob not far behind.

Heather Belluscio


Heather and the bride met in college. They soon became close friends and became roommates for 3 years. Heather has always been the "tell it like it is" friend that Laura always needed.

Chase Snyder


They shared a station at one time. Chase was one of Jacobs senior men on the fire department. Now how the roles have reversed as chase just joined the Lexington Fire Department with Jacob.

Carrie Stokley


Carrie, whooty as she is known by the bride, was brought into Laura's life in college. They met their freshman year of college at a party. Little did they know how close of friends they were going to become through life.

Tanner Burks


Tanner met Jacob in high school. They were competitors on the golf course and co-workers/friends at work.

Katie Rogers


Katie is the cousin of the bride. Her and Laura really grew closer as they grew older. Laura was also in Katie's wedding.

Timmy Middleton


Timmy and Jacob have been friends since pre school and graduated high school together. Recently they continued that streak and graduated in the same Lexington Fire Academy together!

Allyson Roe


Allyson is another cousin of the bride and sister of Katie. Allyson and Laura grew up together. Though grew apart through middle school and some of high school they slowly have rekindled their relationship and now Laura cant imagine this day without her.

Kelby Robinson


Kelby is one of Jacobs long time golf teammates. As Jacob would describe him he's "the life of the party".

For all the days along the way
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