Do not worry! We will have sanitation stations around the venue as well as offer masks to whoever wants one. We will also have an at risk table/elderly, if you would like to be seated at this table please message Jacklyn. Please do keep in mind we have to be graceful with adding people to that table since we are limited on seating space!
Only if their name is included on the invitation. We are limiting the amount of kids even though we all know how much the bride loves kids!
Hair- Kayla Gibson Makeup- Amber Garrison Artistry Photographers - @kaitlynmben and @amandacampbellvisuals Flowers - @jubileeflowerco Pizza - lol pizza hut Decorations - @jacklyndidit DJ- Chris Statzer Bartender- Juan Buitron
We will have pizza as well as a stunninnnggg cheese board curtesy of Jacklyndidit. We will also have donuts and I'm sure other yummiesss.
On here! Once I get the pictures back I will upload them to here on the picture tab of this website!
sadly Hannah the head pup of the show does not like other dogs soooo no.