Ice cream at High Lawn Farm in the Berkshires! Got to see the cows afterward, too.
URI Catholic Center's annual Halloween Party! Salt and Pepper, not to be confused with the female hip hop group...
Hike to the top of East Rock! Only one person in this photo did it wearing shoes...
Mia's baptism/confirmation/first communion, at the same church which Jack was confirmed, which is also the same church the wedding will be at!
Christmas 2022! With Lucy of course in her best dress.
Mia's 3rd powerlifting meet, with her biggest fan!
Climbing at a gym in Philly! We must be snobs because we view monochrome routes vastly superior to taped holds...
Summer wedding in Philly! Yes Jack wore sandals and yes the Chik-Fil-A rest stops along i95 in NJ were very tempting...
Bonfire in the backyard on a summer night!
Jack's confirmation back in 2022!
Throwback to our 2 year anniversary! Walked to a wine bar with family and had delicious tapas.
Mia's graduation! Though Jack graduated high school a year before Mia but took a gap year, Mia (worked too hard and) graduated a year early and left him behind :(
What do you do when the wedding has a gap between the ceremony and the reception? Go to Shake Shack! Not telling anyone what to do but there does happen to be a Shake Shack in New Haven...