
Jacey & Conor

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Meet our friends and family who are walking down the aisle with us!

Elizabeth Lally

Maid of Honor

We became friends by serving on the student council in nursing school but we had actually crossed paths several times while we were at UGA and didn't know it!

Kristin Hampson


We met while working at Augusta University, she became my work bestie and then just my bestie in general!

Sarah Pulliam


We met when we were 3 years old at our neighborhood pool and the rest is history!

Robyn Salley


My wonderful sister-in-law! Our family wouldn't be the same without her!

Shalyn Simerly


Cousin of the bride, but honestly she's more like a sister!

Jena Wojcik


We met through Sarah, and have been friends ever since!

Jax Norman

Best Man

Jax and I met 6 years ago while working together. We quickly became great friends doing all kinds of things together. Whether it was fishing, trail riding, or out on the town you could guarantee you’d find us together

Nathan DeVaughn


Nathan is my father and has been an inspiration and role model for my entire life of what it means to be a man. The lessons he has taught me are invaluable and I literally wouldn’t be here without him

Gregory Strickler


Greg is my brother and has always been there for me no matter what. He’s the kind of person that would give you the shirt off his back and not think twice about it. Although we have almost always lived in different states, you can guarantee when we are together it’s going to be trouble.

Elijah DeVaughn


Elijah is my cousin and after graduating from Georgia Tech moved to Augusta. We built a “boat” together, competed in bike races, and played loads of video games. He was a great role model to me in my early teens.

Eric Swanson


Eric is my brother in law. He and my sister have been together for so long it seems like he was just always there. He’s a good man and great father. One of my fondest memories is going through his model car collection together when I was probably 7 or 8.

Mike Wojcik


I met Mike through Jacey and he and his wife Jena have turned out to be some of our closest friends. We get together at least once a month for dinner, movies, pickle ball, concerts.. you name it. He is a great friend, husband, and father.

For all the days along the way
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