August 5, 2022
Troy, NY

Lauren & Brendan

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Katie Koberger

Maid of Honor

Lauren’s very first friend, my FeFe! From making mud pies to founding K and L’s school together we have been inseparable. Endless sleepovers, Backstreet Boys concerts, Disney trips, I have always admired Katie. I always wanted to be just like her! Wherever she went, I went. When she got a PLEATHER outfit for the Backstreet Boys concert, I insisted that I get a matching one. Ask Katie to tell you a story, she tells the best stories ever, trust me I gave her a lot of practice through the years. Katie always has the best advice. She always told me in college to go out and have the best time ever, you can sleep later! Katie is the truest friend a girl could ask for!

Rod Drapala

Best Man

A friendship that sprouted in kindergarten that has overcome the pink and purple hair phase, different paths, as well as coasts, and continues to grow stronger after 23 years. This day would have never been possible without the support you have provided over the years. Plus who wouldn't want to be friends with the kid who still has all the movie channels...

Kristin Connolly

Maid of Honor

Kristin and I have grown up together, she is my other half, my best friend, my sister! There is never a dull moment with us from blueberry picking to shopping the farmers market you can find us being silly! Kristin was my very first student. Each summer Katie and I would love to play school, and Kristin would be our one and only student at K and Ls school. Ask her all bout the condensation lesson we created for her! Kristin loves to travel and see the world! She is always a phone call away for a funny story or to lend the best advice ever!

Colin Marcin


From Scanlon to Apremont you were there every step of the way. I will never forget one of the first nights we met, mostly because of the face you made when you found out the girl you were talking to was named after the tiger from Aladdin. I knew right then we would be in for many more late nights to come.

Jackie Antonelli

Matron of Honor

Jackie and I met at Westfield State University. You can catch us talking on the phone every day checking in on one another! Jackie and I lived together our senior year at school and were campus tour guides together. We always loved to go to all the events and have a blast! Jackie and I both share a love for crafting, teaching, and fashion! Jackie is like a long-lost sister that I found at WSU. She always makes me try new things. Ask her about the "pudding" she made me try..... it was hummus, turns out it was delicious, she got me good!

Ryan Stanioski


From riding bikes to getting cars, shredding mountains, and all the fish tanks in between. It's never a dull moment when we get together. Thanks for making sure I left the computer now and again by continually calling the house phone until I finally left the house.

Mackenzie Williams


Once upon a time.....Lauren and Mackenzie met at their very first job at Hoffman's Playland. We spend countless summers having a blast together from making cotton candy, to yummy ice cream, even on the hottest days we had a great time. Mackenzie has the biggest heart, loves to dance, sing! You can catch us by the pool, or at the farmers market in the summer, or "trying" to ice skate in the winter at the Egg in Albany!

Fernando Galvez


What started as one of the biggest kids who couldn't stand quickly became a big kid who could do just about everything but stop on the ice. Not only was I lucky enough to get to know you on the ice, but also got to continue building our friendship once you returned from isolation in the Richmond wing.

Kayla Themmen


It all began in F14 in the most non-quiet living room at Westfield State. We were random roommates our freshman year! Kayla is the J WOW to my SNOOKIE, yes TBT to the Jersey Shore days! Kayla and I have had endless wild adventures in college, from being communication majors to teachers now we have shared so many beautiful memories! From sneaking our dogs into college to running to dunkies before math class!

Ryan Shanahan


From summers on the lake to winters on the mountains. It may not be blood-related, but you've always been my cousin. A friendship that started with our parents before we were born and something I hope continues through our next generations.

Hailey Appleby


Lauren and Hailey met in the most magical place on earth, DISNEY! You could find us park hopping, and adventuring all over! Hailey and Lauren loved watching the parades, shows, and meeting our favorite characters. Hailey and I can spend hours crafting over facetime using our Cricut machines. Hailey brings so much positive energy into life, always making our time special together!

Chris Chapruet


Chris, aka pink house! The first friend I made in Danvers at the age of three you were always someone I looked up to growing up. We have come a long way from the 25+ years old photo of Robert, you, and myself sitting on the chimney during the construction of the neighborhood.

Emily Scharnott


Emily is like my little sister! We share a love for cheer, shopping and so much more! I have loved every part of watching Emily grow up, she is one of my best friends. She is always there for her LALA, and a great dog aunt to Millie and LuLu! I am hoping that in the fall Emily goes to Westfield to study nursing!

Jack LeRoux


Growing up as an only child I always wondered what it would be like to have a sibling. By sibling I strickly mean brother. While not quite the same I don't think I could ask for a better person to call my future brother-in-law. Thank you for always welcoming me into the family, even if it did take nine years to make it offical.

Millie & LuLu

Dogs of Honor

Millie and LuLu are Lauren's and Brendans, fur children. They love to play with toys, go on long walks, and snuggle with us!

For all the days along the way
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