13506 Hillside Road
Genesee, ID 83832
We recommend making arrangements as soon as possible, as there may be university events going on during this time.
There are many hotel or airbnb options nearby in Moscow or Lewiston/Clarkston. The venue is positioned about 20 minutes, halfway, from either Moscow or Lewiston/Clarkston.
Free on-site camping is also available for all guests!
This is a great opportunity for your lodging- tents, RV's, and camp trailers are welcome. However, there are no electricity or water hookups. There are very nice bathrooms at the venue for your convenience.
I'm checking to see if taxi/uber transportation options are available for the location of the venue. Please check back later, if this is something you would want to utilize.
Nearby airports include:
Moscow/Pullman (PUW) serviced by Alaska Airlines
Lewiston (LEW) serviced by Delta Airlines
Spokane International Airport (GEG) which is 1.5 hours from Moscow